PTC Records!

Get Paid for Browsing the Internet with LogiPTC

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

LogiPTC Update! Woot!


Now, compare that to my last update:

$1.23 gained! In just 2/3 days! Funny, 1-2-3 haha.

Anyways, it's cool too because I get to cashout at $5.00, so that's just $1.15 away! So in only 1-3 days, I'll be making my second cashout!


Saturday, October 23, 2010


LogiPTC first because it's my favorite!

As you can see, I've made quite a lot today! And I wasn't active very long, just a few minutes total.



I rented a new referral today :)

Not much to report but good clix :)


NeoBux has improved since last time!

Friday, October 22, 2010


Get Paid for Browsing the Internet with LogiPTC   

So, actually, I had $1.42 in my account yesterday, and NOW I've caught a bunch more clicks than I had earlier today!

Look at today:
That's 214-142   =   $0.72 in a single day!
Averaging at about 10 minutes total!
What I do is, I'm reading / writing / working / messing around with my lap top close by (this is around 9pm) for like an hour or so, and every so often, I check my LogiPTC ads page and every so often there are a number of $0.02 ads waiting for me! It's great because it's instantaneous! I just click 'em and do something else. That's less than 1 second per ad!

LogiPTC is indeed the number 1 site!
If somebody's reading this, you need to REGISTER! Even if you don't check in more than once a day, you can just hop online for 1 minute and pump out 5-10 cents. That beats Neobux, Onbux, etc. out of the forest!

So here's the line:

Get Paid for Browsing the Internet with LogiPTC        

Just click da banner!


Get Paid for Browsing the Internet with LogiPTC   

Ok, so here's the deal.
Not only is LogiPTC a trustworthy paying site (That's right! It's the first site to pay me thus far!),

but it also is extremely easy to make some coin!
Yesterday, I had $1.42 in my LogiPTC balance.
Look at today:

Today alone I made 57 cents. 

Get Paid for Browsing the Internet with LogiPTC       

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Top PTC sites after 30+ days of Experimentation!

Here is the list of PTCs that have made it thus far, listed best - to - worst.

Get Paid for Browsing the Internet with LogiPTC

LogiPTC is NUMBER 1!!!
Not only did it PAY me (the first), it's RIDICULOUSLY easy to use. It features the fabled instant click reward! In other words, you don't spend 30 seconds waiting to be credited! It's instantaneous!
You also get as much as $0.02 for a SINGLE INSTANT CLICK!



InfinityBux is a "buxhost site" which means that it's kind of suspect. HowEVER! I have not had any problems with it so far - but I have not hit the payout minimum yet! Which is $10. It's kind of high, but I'll get there.

At InfinityBux I have:

Direct Referrals
2 (169 clicks) [details]
Rented Referrals
4 (315 clicks) [details]

We shall see if I can make some significant money here within a month or so.


Numero Tres!

OnBux has NOT paid me yet, but I do have 6 Rented Referrals, and they click 3 times more than Neobux!
We shall see how good they really are soon enough.
The cashout minimum is only $2, which I have reached twice, but I chose to purchase Rented Referrals.
I hear they pay though.


Numero Quatro!


Now, I'm not trying to jump to conclusions, but I have rented twice now, and it's not going well. Some days I get ZERO clicks off of those losers. Honestly. There is a HIGH likelihood that they are ROBOTIC "users." More commonly called "bots" but yeah. Neobux is NO LONGER numero uno. So sad.

NeoBux is not a scam for sure... it just probably is - or at least its "Rented Referral" system is.
However, I will continue to spend the 1/2 minutes per day that it takes for me to maintain my account.

Numero SINCO!

Here, this is all you need to see:
Account Balance


Now, for Numero Seis (6) I have a 4-way tie.

Here, I'm going to share a secret technique with you. It's not hard to figure out if you're in a hurry to get all your clicks in, but maybe some of you haven't figured it out just yet, or are new to PTCs.

Now, because I can use all 4 of these BuxHost sites at the same time, I can get all 10/11 clicks per site (40-44 clicks total) all at once.
In other words, for these 40-44 ads, 30 seconds each, normally that would be, what, 20 minutes?

Since I open all 4 sites at the same time with different tabs/windows, this allows them to each open one ad at the same time. 4sites times 1ad = $0.04 per 30 seconds.

Thus, for 30 seconds, that's 1 ad per site. So in 30 seconds, 4 ads are credited.
What this really means is that instead of 20 minutes, I cut it down by 4.
It takes me 5 minutes to click 40 ads! Give or take a minute or two.

I usually use this technique with ALL of my sites, so that I open LogiPTC, OnBux, NeoBux, InfinityBux, and all these other Bux sites, and click all at once. And repeat until I've finished all my clicks. It takes less than half an hour per day!

These last two are newbies that I'm currently looking into:

IfBux isn't that great. But we shall see if it lasts. Perseverance is what we're after.